Janay Abale
Janay Abale is an author, speaker, Bible teacher, and pastor’s wife. She lives in rural Uganda, where she has been a missionary for over ten years. She often has to stop homeschooling her four children to chase the monkeys and baboons out of her garden. Janay never goes anywhere without a book. She adds things she has already finished to her “to-do” list just to get the satisfaction of crossing them off. She enjoys the three C’s: coffee, cheese, and chocolate (when she can get them). Janay blogs at https://janayabale.com/blog/ and is is preparing to publish her first book, Philippians for Missionaries: A Deep Dive Devotional.
She enjoys ministry to women, teen girls, and children and leads the women’s ministry at her church.
Janay and her husband are both speakers, available for speaking/teaching engagements.
Want more information or to book Janay for an event or podcast interview?
Download Janay Abale Press Kit or contact her below.

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Frequently Asked Questions
1. What is your favorite Bible verse?
There are many, but I love Philippians 3:8, “What is more I consider everything a loss compared to the surpassing greatness of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them rubbish that I may gain Christ.” (NIV)
2. What big projects do you have going on?
We have two big projects we are just starting with. The first is a podcast of teachings for women translated into the local language. The second is a podcast of teachings in the local language for children that families can use at home for family devotions. Read about it in the blog post entitled Open Ears, Open Hearts.
3. What are your prayer requests?
Health (general health and malaria), homeschooling, wisdom leading the church and various ministries, provision, safety, and for God’s Word to transform lives and hearts. Thanks for praying!
4. What’s features are coming to the website in the future?
I hope to soon add a recipe page with both American and local African foods and a page featuring interesting photos for the upcoming book Wild Mountain. This page will show the survival side of life in the village.